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Signal generator in a sentence

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Sentence count:60Posted:2021-10-06Updated:2021-10-06
Similar words: electrical generatordiesel generatorgeneratorregeneratordc generatorac generatoraerogeneratorwind generator
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(1) Sinusoidal signal generator sinusoidal signal of the main circuit and systems used to measure the frequency characteristics of the nonlinear distortion, and gain sensitivity and so on.
(2) In this paper, sine wave frequency sweep signal generator for multifunction ultrasonic instrument is presented.
(3) A multi-speed jittered signal generator (216,400) that generates a full-speed jittered signal (404) by scaling a low-speed jittered signal (420) using a frequency scaler (428).
(4) Auxiliary signal generator (AC) is a part of many control circuit of ion trap mass spectrograph.
(5) This design construct an sinusoidal signal generator based on DDS(Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis), completed by MCU AT89S52 and necessary analog circuit.
(6) The DDS signal generator which can adjust signal phase signal frequency and complex wave is designed.
(7) CLK signal generator with adjustable frequency, gradually changing the frequency of observed changes in scan frequency effect on the output.
(8) In measurement, we use two vector signal generator to generate LINC signals in place of SCS, and power amplifiers and combiners are implemented.
(9) A trigger signal generator based on FPGA is introduced in this article.
(10) In this paper, a SVPWM signal generator is designed with VHDL. This signal generator can transform time signal into SVPWM trigger signal successfully with good anti-jamming capability.
(11) The random signal generator has achieved output control of highly precise Gaussian distribution, and imitated random characteristic of nuclear pulse in amplitude and time.
(12) However, extending the upper frequency of such function signal generator is limited by the read-out time of the memory and the conversion rate of the digital-to-analog converter.
(13) Chaotic signal generator is one chaotic system which is the first part of chaotic communication and secret communication system.
(14) The primary function of the auxiliary signal generator is output sine wave or SWIFT (stored wave form inverse Fourier transform) wave at the scheduled time.
(15) A function signal generator is designed using digital waveform synthesis and microcontroller technology. A good way is used to adjust the pulse duty ratio.
(16) Applying EDA technology, taking FPGA as its core and using VHDL language design signal generator.
(17) Based on the researching in the principle of DDS chip AD9854, This paper presents a design of wireless compass test signal generator.
(18) This article describes the design of a linear sweeping frequency signal generator using DDS technology.
(19) This text introduces the definition of Digital Television , the development of Digital Television standard both China and foreign countries and procedure for digital signal generator.
(20) The system mainly consisted of the PN code generator, the SS implement, the absolute-to-relative code converter, the digital sine wave signal generator, 2DPSK modulator and D/A converter.
(21) Used in this paper is to design a general low-frequency differential transformer signal generator.
(22) In order to simulate the contention of packets and solve the problem of loss of frame synchronization signal, the 622 Mbps optical signal generator based on FPGA is introduced.
(23) The dynamic force generator is based on the vibration exciter which is used as the actuator to get the needed dynamic force with the corresponding signal generator and power amplifier.
(24) The system is simple and flexible, providing with English menu display and keyboard input. It can be used as signal generator for experiments of research and education.
(25) The system is mainly consisted of the modules such as the 8-route digital signal generator , data sample and memory circuit, control circuit, the wave restore and display circuit.
(26) The text not only introduces the components and work principles of multi-phase sine wave signal Generator in detail, but also supplies its system chart, programme flowchart and practical results.
(27) This paper discusses the basic theory of digital television signal generator and its realization based on SoC.
(28) It is composed of the TMS320VC5402 system and the interface with true radar display and the correlative circuit with PCI2040 chip. It is a comparatively independent radar signal generator system.
(29) The synthesized test system for underwater weapon system adopts a modularized structure with signal generator, A/D converter, D/A converter, real-time clock, printer and LCD screen.
(30) This paper presents the hardware structure, working principle and software flow chart of the programmable signal generator and frequency detector device, which uses TMS320LF2407 as core.
More similar words: electrical generatordiesel generatorgeneratorregeneratordc generatorac generatoraerogeneratorwind generatorturbogeneratorgenerator matrixturbine generatorpattern generatorprogram generatorfunction generatorelectric generatorcharacter generatorinduction generatorannual general meetingthermoelectric generatorsignal-to-noise ratiosignal to noise ratiogenerationalsignatorydesignatorcosignatorystorm signalintergenerationalconsul generalsignal distortiongenerate
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